My Brother, the Photographer

I was so thrilled when my brother Ben, who moved from Montana to New York City just over a year ago, announced he would be home to visit. Obviously I wanted to see him and catch up, but I also wanted him to be the one who photographed our family of four, for the first time. The last time he photographed our family was four years ago, so we were much overdue for an update. Ben began dabbling in photography four or five years ago, and since built an impressive portfolio and reputation in Montana, and he is just beginning to purse his photography full time in New York. I know I am slightly biased, being his sister and all, but he truly has an artistic eye and the technical skills to back it up.  I am so excited to see where this journey leads him! I am over-the-moon excited for the photographs he took for our family!  These are a few of my favorites, if I had to choose, because I love them all 🙂 Hope you are all doing well! ~Becky check out more of Ben’s work here:

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